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False Reports

I've been seeing a lot of Traitors file false reports after being killed.

The most recent and the one i see complain about being killed when he's a T the most is Steven | SF. Just today he tried to kill me with a knife, charging me and making the stabbing motion, and I shot him in the head with a deagle. He then filed a false report and said that he said that he had the knife prior and wasn't even trying to kill me.

Can we please start punishing these people for false reporting, because it's really ****ing annoying when someone that failed (horribly) is mad and trying to get me slain because he sucked.

Thanks, Stoopid Face (・∀・ )

First of all beautiful headshot , and secondly for the love of god that is a killable offense . Really can't do much about that just probably warn about the false reports and slay for it . But I'll be around often now and try to take care of half of most situations .

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I love using the deagle and rifle so much <3
Anywho, Steven | SF is a pretty cool guy when he is playing, but as soon as he dies on his traitor round (whether his death be RDM or not) he throws a fit. And I'm really not trying to completely single him out, I've seen many people throw hissy fits because they lost their T round. Including mods.

I also know in situations like the one I described in the Original Post are hard for moderators to deal with sometimes for the simple fact that it is one persons word against the others.

I'm just proposing moderators begin to really crack down on the false reporting so that people will think twice about doing it. People wont want to false report if they know it will be a slay for them.

I can slay since I'm a pro member, but I don't bother as long as there is an official moderator on the server. Even if I'm the only one that has the power to slay at the time I still don't want to give out slays because it's simply not my job. I'll intervene if someone is completely trashing the server though.

Also, why is buying moderator rank purchasable? I mean, sure if they abuse the power they bought then I'm sure they will be dealt with using a swift kick in the butt, but moderator status should really be given to regulars that show good judgement and play the game like it's supposed to. Just my thoughts on that.

Those are also my favorite weapons ! . And completely understand , he does make a fit numerous of times , he is quite lucky he is not banned yet . It is hard to get situations done , but if a mod on there own takes effort it should be finished (: , usually for false the mods have to check the damage logs specifically just for those two specific players . Buying mod rank is what is also keeping up the servers both prop hunt and trouble in terrorist town and some add on of weapons or detective supplies and etc . Cost some extra money , that is a reason also and I agree some do not so the job nor they behave with the powers but it's for help with the server . But I do agree , king James had an idea of operators for the server for frys trusted mods but hopefully that will get through (:


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