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  New DarkRP Server
Posted by: adminfry - 11-11-2017, 03:20 PM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Raz0rsEdge DarkRP

Join us on Discord!

Staff Needed!
Any Suggestions welcome

General Rules

Do not disrespect players, This includes being racist and/or sexually harassing players.
Don't do anything/threaten to harm the server or players, Jokes are not exempt from this rule.
Don't involve yourself in Admin situations if you're not involved in the first place
Do not ban evade. Joining on an alternative account to avoid a ban (no matter the ban time) is a permanent bannable offense.
Using a bug/exploit to your own advantage will result in a ban. Please report it to a Staff member so they can get it fixed.
Don't attempt to prop climb, surf, kill, push or spam
Don't ever take what needs to be an Admin situation into your own hands. Contact a Staff member via # <message>
You can also contact us on discord. http://raz0rsedge.com/discord
Do not use the job feature to spawn shipments for solely yourself (self-supply) or friends, or to gain an advantage (i.e police to get a gun); this is job abuse.
Do not steal during transaction. This means taking the money from the user or the shipments/weapons they have purchased.
You may not spam smoke grenades whether it be in an open facility or in somebody's store unless you're being raided.
You may grant yourself a weapon while you hand out your services, but you may not supply yourself weapons to use as another job.

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  Latest update - Props Fight Back
Posted by: adminfry - 11-10-2017, 07:22 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Latest Updates:

Improved gamemode stability
Scoreboard rewrite
default pregame time is now 90
Hunter damage penalty default is now 5


Fixed taunt menu order
Keybinds not saving
Prop hitboxes work amazingly now
Fixed !stuck command

New Features:

New Scoreboard!
New "Person is the last prop standing" screen!
New pregame deathmatch now spawns in random sweps
Lastprop gun is now an insta kill
New client option, Kliner mode, toggles spawning as a T-pose kliner, defalt false
Added player stats! type '!stats' to view

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Wink Pro/Vip Giveaway
Posted by: AK47 - 02-15-2016, 09:49 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (8)

Big Grin
I am having a giveaway for 1 pro status and 3 vip status on the winners choice of server. I am also doing a giveaway on the DMV forums as well

Rules for the giveaway:
1. Be an attendee of any DMV/Raz0r's Edge server
2. Sign in to the forum and leave a post on this thread
3. Leave a link to your profile in your post in case you get selected
4. Winners will be selected at random on the 2/19/16 10pm EST.

And its just that simple.
Thanks to RTShinigami for the help on how to set this up.

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  Bind Template added to Chillingtons Stuffs
Posted by: Mr. Chillington - 12-30-2015, 10:51 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (4)

So i made a template file for binds to help with not only binding your keys but also organization of those binds Also also and most importantly for those that forget their binds all the time instead of spamming the server with keybinds so you can figure out the bind you are looking for this way you can just open the file or even print it out so no more guessing. The process of where to save the file can be found on my Personal Script tab of my site also in the guide that i posted on both DMV and Razor's Forums.... links below.

Bind Template can be downloaded here: https://sites.google.com/site/chillingto...ding-guide
Personal Scripts Tab: https://sites.google.com/site/chillingto...al-scripts
Guide posted on Razor's: http://raz0rsedge.com/forums/Thread-How-...SUPER-EASY

Leave feedback for anything I could add inside the file.

Examples of my template filled out:
[Image: CHqEGBl.png]
[Image: tupIv5v.png]

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  Chillingtons stuffs changes.
Posted by: Mr. Chillington - 10-31-2015, 05:33 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Herro I added a autoexec file to my "Personal Scripts" tab just to make it easier for people to have the scripts auto start with the game since a lot of the people that have started using those scripts have been wondering how to do it.

Also added and edited somethings on that same tab as far as instructions and descriptions go hope it helps let me know if it makes sense.
~~~Site Below~~~
Chillingtons Stuffs

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  Teamspeak server upgrade
Posted by: adminfry - 04-03-2015, 03:39 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Hi all,

I have upgraded the teamspeak server to 50 slots now.

You can find our teamspeak server by doing a search for raz0rsedge or by using the ip.

Server ip:

port: 32730


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Posted by: Toxiic - 02-16-2015, 06:31 AM - Forum: Announcements - No Replies

Roughly starts around 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. but can go longer or start later.

Please support and try to watch his stream whenever you can. He is trying to get more followers and it would be nice if we could support him.

Thanks for everyone that watches!

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  Happy Valentine's day everyone! :D
Posted by: XxwhitewolffirexX - 02-14-2015, 01:02 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (2)

[Image: 9907401.jpg]

[Image: happy_valentine_s_day___by_saphirya-d5uu6qa.png]

[Image: happy_valentines_day_by_soen-d5uu4v6.jpg]

[Image: happy_valentine_s_day____by_redpheonix92-d76dd2h.jpg]

[Image: 2010-06-15-290910.jpeg]

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  Minimum hours to maintain mod or operator Ranks
Posted by: adminfry - 02-12-2015, 05:57 AM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (9)

I have decided if you are a Moderator on a server and you do not play at least 5 hours a month your rank will be removed.

Operators must maintain 10 hours a month in order to keep their status.

There really is no excuse to not play on any of the servers even if it is dead you can bring friends to play on it etc which helps keep them popular.

Also if you are a mod or operator on multiple servers you DO NOT have to meet that quota on every server as long as you meet it on at least one server or multiple servers to meet the total time.

Again thanks for all your support.

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  Beta game codes
Posted by: XxwhitewolffirexX - 02-06-2015, 02:24 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (2)

[Image: PH8MCBC.png]

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