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Clear the air a bit

So apperently people think I like to abuse and such so I just want to clear some stuff up Ive never had a problem with players who follow the rules and respect other players the problem is with a small list of players who cant respect other player EX: A certian somone who called another mod a STUPID BITCH because he got slayed for rdm and its not like this issue is new its a ongoing problem ever day with a certian rather small group of persons or another EX: A certian someone who called me a fucking asshole for slaying him for "Accedential RDM" the fact is RDM is RDM and DISRESPECT IS DISRESPECT me personally I dont care what you say to me but if your going to come in and start shit and cause chaos on there server I have no problem following the guildlines in which Fryman has laid out for me and that my friends is not abuse its doing what my rank is supposed to do

Now lets get it clear Ive let all the disrespect slide for the most part up until this point at the time of posting this I have been the only mod on for the past 15 hours doing anything and honestly NO ONE should have to tolerate anyone being a complete asshole toward them but please feel free to keep crying about me on the forums because honestly If I have to follow rules and take slays so do you and ive taken every slay that ive been issued which isnt many so please in the future leave your DISRESPECT OF PLAYERS AND MODS off of the server everyone would be rightfully thankful if you did and if I have to list names I have not a single issue in doing so up until this point I have kept my mouth shut about the subjects on these forums but its about time somthing was said about it the fact is RDM will happen regaurdless if I like it or not but the one thing that can be put to a halt is the disrespect regulars show other regulars on the server

I understand your message ; it's now common to see people disrespecting others because they think they falsely got slain. Worse is, when a report already has been dealt with a reasonable reported player's answer, the victim player might still think it was RDM.

Though I didn't know you were Fenrir hahaha.

What also became a small bother, solely small, is that inbetween mods, we don't agree on the same RDM définitions and whenever it's RDM or not. I just think the simplest for our case would be to show ''In progress by ...'' for the reports and let that moderator take the report. Sure, another mod can let his opinion go on it, but he/she shouldn't fix it for his/her own if he didn't deal with the report first.

Anyways, I think both of the cases are minor to the gameplay. Just get cool inbetween the players, it's useless to get tense over harrassing words unless the person feels personally touched.
After Weird Wonderland and HL2DM...

[Image: XQCaTxF.png]
[Image: ozw0RXH.gif]

Well if other mods are confused on what rdm is they just need to read the rules again unless shot logs and dmg logs state other wise the big issue is mods only look at the dmg logs when they only tell part of the story

Ok first of all, who in there damn mind would call a mod a stupid bitch ._. Really mods have more power then normal players. Ok if a mistake happens mistake happens but if your the one who RDM and gotten slain for it that's your damn fault not the mods. Second of all, I agree with you Vigdis I mean people need to follow the rules and just go with it if you don't like the rules then you don't play it

I bring good luck or bad luck to the people all over but beware the powers I have can be UNFAIR

[Image: tumblr_na6jwcRG1o1tof9kfo4_500.png]

Thing is, mostly when swearing happens, or a player is disliking another, or a player does not agree with a mod's decision (slay, ban, whatever), or there are just trolls.
After Weird Wonderland and HL2DM...

[Image: XQCaTxF.png]
[Image: ozw0RXH.gif]

(05-15-2014, 09:51 PM)Weirder Wonder Wrote: Thing is, mostly when swearing happens, or a player is disliking another, or a player does not agree with a mod's decision (slay, ban, whatever), or there are just trolls.

Ya but then again some of them are just rude people that "ACT" all cool like and think that they can do "WHAT EVER" they want to "DO" ._.

I bring good luck or bad luck to the people all over but beware the powers I have can be UNFAIR

[Image: tumblr_na6jwcRG1o1tof9kfo4_500.png]

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