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Banned By Hoody Nanners for no reason.

Hi, I got banned by Hoody Nanners for calling him a retard for slaying me for no reason. I was trying to file a report on someone but it was in the change map screen so it came up blank and he ignored me all pre round and just slayed me.

If anything I should have been given a warning not to false report (even though it wasnt a false report and again when i told him what happened he just ignored me completely.) But he just immediately slayed me.

I've been on this server for a long time and I don't break the rules on purpose, and im sure everyone that plays with me knows that. I'm just not going to take shit from a moderator with a god complex.

Really stupid how you cant disrespect a moderator but they can just disrespect you and ignore you when youre trying to talk to them.

Really tired of bad moderators. Please take the ban off me, I did nothing wrong other than call a bad mod stupid and im sorry for that.

Maybe buying moderator shouldnt be an option, just saying.

U could have waited until the map changed and when we got to the next map U started arguing and typed in admin all mods are shity

Stay awesome and NTH
stay awesome and NTH

I was telling you in chat before the round started very calmly what happened and you just ignored me until i was already slayed.

Dick move

And i didnt say all mods are shitty. I think some of the mods here are great. Then there are the mods that dont care and do what they want or the mods that buy their status and dont know the rules or how to enforce them.

Still with the mods are shitty that's disrespect

Stay awesome and NTH

Il unban u if we can drop this and we can just move on

Stay awesome and NTH
stay awesome and NTH

Ignoring someone that is trying to tell you what happened nicely is very disrespectful. I'm sorry I dont show respect to those who don't show it to me or dont deserve it. Mod or Not.

Well I unbanned u so if u want to come back u can

Stay awesome and NTH
stay awesome and NTH

Thank you. Next time just listen to when i try to explain what happened. I dont break the rules, If I do i take my slay or whatever.

Sorry for calling you a retard, I get heated when I see someone being unfair. You're most of the time a pretty good mod in my book.

Yep np and thanks I appreciate it

Stay awesome and NTH
stay awesome and NTH

im sorry stoopid face but hoody has been on this server for a long time and i know him where i know he won't take disrespect from people. You should have been mature and tried to talk to him not call them names. So you know also hoody is one of the best mods on the server. but good thing you worked out because i would have backed hoody up if he decided to keep you banned.

Blue it is partially my fault cause I Washington paying attention to chat but the thing was the mods are shitty part but everything is good now so eats move on

Stay awesome and NTH
stay awesome and NTH

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