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New here, Can someone help me?

Hi there, I've just recently started playing on the Raz0r's Edge servers and I especially enjoy the Prop Hunt server. So much that I really really want to donate. I've tried, gee, like ten times now probably. I've talked to Fryman about it and he says my card is being declined, but I know there's is plenty of money to do this.

SO... My question is... Would someone be willing to let me pay them via paypal, and then pay Fryman for me? I play on the server very often, daily. I have a lot of fun and I would really like to have VIP rank.

Thank you to anyone who decides to help!!, also feel free to add me on steam, my in-game name is Johnny Chronic.

Has anyone helped you with this yet?

(04-06-2015, 11:05 AM)mr_chillington Wrote: Has anyone helped you with this yet?

Yes Fryman contacted me about a new paypal method he got. Thank you though, I don't know if there is a way to close the thread but I'll look. New here! But still feel free to add me.

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