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Banned For Being Different.

I find this stupid went from on person to another it's Goddamn old stop bringing Shit out its done.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

And bunny wow you really don't know. Many things changed the rules. Yes that was one but that isn't the only thing

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

of course, when people are exposing your flaws it is "stupid" and obviously nothing we can say is going to change the fact that skeebo got unjustly banned but i dont expect good judgement from many of the mods on this server anymore. This will end, skeebo will be unbanned, but we won't forget the incompetence

Just so you know most of that was lies I'm not arguing cause what happens arguments. happen bunny not like you are any good .

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

Plus your acting like i banned him and again my job to fix it . Talk to the one who banned him I'm not going to help.

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I want to reply to that last comment but honestly it makes 0 sense. You need an english tutor, and I'm not trying to be insulting but i SERIOUSLY have no clue what you are trying to say.

By the way, what was lies? Lol, we have proof to back up what we're saying. Do you?

I'm saying most of what you said about what I did was not true . And i don't care right now Goddamn and you are always insulting . And you really don't have proof for half of what you have said .

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

You're completely missing the point literally every time you post, Lady. Nobody said you banned me, stop making assumptions. The individual who banned me unjustly broke the rules. Nowhere does it say complaints effect ban length, or anything rather. In fact, shouldn't the mod who banned me be active on the forums? Isn't that a rule? I guess we'll just turn a blind eye and sweep that one under the rug too. When those tasked with upholding rules can't even follow them, that's when the higher ups need to intervene, but apparently nobody cares. Pay 60 dollars to become a god on these servers, James has already shown you can say overly offensive things and not get reprimanded in any way. I feel that maybe Plunger's case was a lot like mine in that you had a negative feeling towards him so you took it upon yourself to break the rules and find a way to ban him. This is why I specifically asked for help from the Owner(s) in the beginning, because I knew you or someone else who dislikes me would take it upon themselves to use your emotions rather than the written rules to punish me. Now you're probably going to shut down, ignore everything I said, tell me it's already done and to get over it.

Have a beautiful day


i wouldint say shes missing the point ur changing the story around and skeebo when ever ur playing im most likely in the lobby so ik all the stuff u do ur lucky u havint been permanently banned and you only have a week ban and this is only ur 1st offence u need to admit ur wrongs and move on
stay awesome and NTH

why do people keep saying he's lucky he hasnt been perma banned when he has literally done nothing to result in such a punishment let alone what he has been given. he calls you guys out on your crap, and he speaks the truth. Don't like the sound of the truth so you ban him, kind of ironic. Ive played way more than you hoody and i've seen skeebo rdm, false kos, but Ive never really seen him do anything disrespectful or rude enough to deserve the kind of negative attitude you guys have for him.

Not to mention when he does rdm and false kos he gets slayed for it, so why is it now when hes being falsely banned you bring up his entire history which he was been already punished for? If we were to use someone's entire history to decide a ban today (By your logic) there wouldn't be many people left on the server

(James95> His steam ID is in the bans page if you need it) Alright if I see any more comments about someone say "I didn't RDM or be Disrespectful" then I'll be back with a long ass comment and it won't be nice Okay now everyone drop it and leave it

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[Image: tumblr_na6jwcRG1o1tof9kfo4_500.png]

Let's hear it, boss. If I had to guess, I would have to say it's going to be something along the lines of what you posted on Skeebo's steam profile: "He little bitch next time beware if you piss me off then your going to regret ever doing that to me ok now bai bitch."

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