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Banned For Being Different.

Dear Raz0r's Edge Gods,

You may have heard tales of my adventures and various feats. You may have heard of the countless adversaries I have slain and challenges I have overcome with ease. Some stories with more validity than others, but I am almost positive you haven't heard the heinous act of Bannery that has occurred.

I come to you as a man. A man with many flaws like any other man. A man who has been dealt a great injustice! It appears I have been banned for... and I quote "RDM AND LEAVE COUNTLESS WARNINGS NOT TO DISREPECT PLAYERS AND MODS AND COUNTLESS FALSE KOS'ES(1ST OFFENCE)". The offence is 1 week, which if it is true and not a bunch of made up bologna, should only be bannable for 5 days as per rule "1st time - Ban 5 days". Not only is the overall ban debatable, but given the Mod isn't just telling a tall tale, I should have only been banned for 5 days instead of 7. Whether the "rdm and leave" aspect is true will be up to you, considering I was not slain the following round and had to leave afterwards. Perhaps someone was just waiting to find any reason for me to slip up?

I really do hope you hear complaints about incompetency in the ranks of your Moderators and keep an open mind towards furthering the betterment of your server. I do believe you have one of the most enjoyable TTT servers Garry's Mod has to offer and I would hate to be denied the opportunity of partaking in its beauty. I feel that moderators tend to follow their emotions instead of rules when making their decisions and although that's all well and good, fairness should be number 1 priority.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!


We followed rules, and we all had problems with you and heard many complaints this is just a warning from all i can and will explain for this temporary banning that took place. Please I say dont blame us for the mistakes you choose . It is just a warning for now hope you take this in consideration and warning and actually be mature in most situations . Most of us just kept letting it slide and warned you numerous amount of times . Many complained with no mods present you and others which I will not name rdm and call faulse KOS I do say we dont have proof of that statement but yes people will take advantage of no mods around . I and others will take care of it but I ask please take this as a warning for now you are not banned permanently any questions or wanting to speak private message me


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The fact that the ban was set for 7 days rather than the traditional 5 for a first offence ban shows that the Moderator who performed the ban is unprofessionally holding a grudge against the player. An action such as this is not only unjust but also rather immature. In addition to this, using the "RDM AND LEAVE" excuse as a ban reason is nonsense for a regular on the server as it should be understood that people have lives outside of Garry's Mod and situations arise which require the player to stop playing the game and tend to the situation(i.e. emergencies, children and/or careers/education). The "RDM AND LEAVE" reason for a ban makes sense for people who aren't regulars on the server because the intent of the offence of that player is to break the rule and leave immediately thereafter to avoid punishment.

The Moderator(s) who took care of this "problem" handled it extremely poorly. Also, after having played the server for several hours I know of the grudge held against Skeebo by a handful of Moderators. I have seen ban threats made against Skeebo by one of the "moderators" for only just following him around. It's for this reason, among many others that shows to me that the moderators on this server are immature and abusive with their ban threats and their mindset of superiority they hold over the rest of players. The so called "Don't argue with moderators 'rule'" that the moderators enforce is absolute hogwash when they are being heavily biased in their decisions. I can only hope that these "moderators" that I've seen have all acquired their positions through purchase rather than choice of higher-up(s) as it would be a most unwise choice of moderation staff.

The ban, if it isn't to be removed, should instead be lowered to the appropriate 5 days instead of 7 as it is obvious that the moderator who banned Skeebo added the extra two days only because of a personal grudge he holds against the player.

[Image: AXuYQjm.jpg]

Like I said and I repeat numerous amounts of time of warnings due to this situation . I Believe the amount of time is good enough

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Although I value your opinion as much as I value everyone as a human being. I don't believe your input is required, as your history with bans is rather shady. Posted for Reference I would like to hear from someone who is in an unbiased position, such as the Owner or Co-Owner, because I feel that maybe you are allowing our past experiences/interactions take precedence over the written rules.

There is no grey area in the rules, if I am being banned for RDM'ing and leaving, then I should be banned for 5 days (still debatable whether or not I actually did this). If I am being banned for Harassment, then I should be banned for 24 hours first before the 5 days. I don't feel like I should be having to explain myself, because as a mod you should already be familiar with these rules.

Thanks again for your time.


If this were to be a warning for past abuse and or disrespect; why did it happen now and for an offense the player did not commit? If you are wanting to send a message to skeebo in form of a warning, why do you not do so in the appropriate punishment? RDM and leave is a very specific rule. Someone purposely kills a person without a justified reason and leaves the game to avoid punishment. I do not see how this incidence can be referred to as rdm and leave. Skeebo may have rdmed, which is SLAYABLE, and he would have taken that punishment without resistance had it been issued. However skeebo is in the airforce, and has a real job that he cannot be late for so after playing a round AFTER the supposed rdm he left the match.

Returning to the game he gets this load of rhetoric that says hes being banned for more than the actual assigned amount because of his history of "false koses and disrespecting mods" but even those offenses are not punishable by the amount given to him nor were they recorded to be held as evidence for his behavior. I think what we're seeing here is a perfect example of mods abusing their power because they do not like a specific player. I can attest to such behavior as the mods "lady Elizabeth" and "Lord James" have rdmed me on several occasions on the pretense that it was a "joke" and or funny. And when i complained on the certain instances i was threatened to be banned, kicked, and or gagged. Only one of the times i was rdmed BY MODS on PURPOSE did the mod actually get slain for it.

Like I said bunny we gave him chances . This is a warning yes two days were added but we could have done more with the amount of complaints he had . So he got pretty much an exception . And I very much thank you skeebo for being quite calm in this situation with me .

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Lady, as much as I value you as a player and a mod, Fry had the rules put in place to offset these types of discussions.

There are tons of complaints against certain people whom I think don't deserve the criticism either way (both mods and players) because there was jealousy to their playing or because people don't like their personality.

Regardless, if all Skeebo did was RDM and leave then 5 days is sufficient. I wish I could ban people permanently but per Fry's rules, my hands are tied.
[Image: mr45cm.png]

I understand . Completely but the fact is I'm not the one who did it actually . But more it's for a warning. But I'm trying to be nice about it. And there is honestly more than rdm and leave actually, i will give you a list of the many people who have , also how can i change to 5 days then? To be honest never done a change like that .

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