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The Wulf's Den (Gamer Pics and Art Requests)

If you want me to draw a gamer pic or just a picture for you just ask here. I drew my gamer pic and Dizzy Digi Senpai~'s. I need the practice so just ask for anything you want done.

This one is mine

[Image: zoruna11.jpg]

This one is Digi's

[Image: nel_ki11.jpg]

Those are amazing

Thanks Lady Elizabeth, I really appreciate the complement.

I'd actually like it if u drew me in a red and hoody Smile
stay awesome and NTH

OK so right now I am drawing one for Bluerosewoodcoffee and Insanerosewood (both want the to be in one pic together) and then Maverick is next on the list, then you Hoody I will try to get these done as soon as I can so I can get to everyone else that wants one. In the mean time figure out what art style you want whether that style is generic as western or Anime. Or the style of a specific artist or cartoonist. Then post some reference pics here for what you kinda want in style and what kinda pose you want to be in. If you want any kind of props like weapons, toys cars, basically any kind of object that you wanted added in post pics of those too. That way once I'm done with each drawing I can move onto the next one right away,

Style, anime
Pose, standing
Props, scythe with blood on the tip and gaming headset (can u do an astro gaming headset)
Facial expression, evil smile
Can u make the hoodie black with red on like the tips of the hood and like scattered patterns of red around the hood.

The picture is an idea like u said lol

[Image: 4uzemaqe.jpg]
stay awesome and NTH

Want me to put the gaming headsets around his neck so he can wear the hood at the same time?

Yea that's fine
stay awesome and NTH

Just finished my drawing for Bluerosewoodcoffee and Insanerosewood. Hope you guys like it.

[Image: rosewo10.jpg]

Omg blue's and insane is the cutest thing ever !!!!!!

[Image: eratumut.jpg]
May i have something like this but her holding a rifle and having cat ears and the crown c: please and thanks !

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