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Banned For Being Different.

Eskyl do you want me to go that evil, then keep up the rude comments about me

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

[Image: tumblr_na6jwcRG1o1tof9kfo4_500.png]

I'm not going to get into it here because I just wrote up a long post that took me longer than I would have liked to but, in my honest opinion as an unbiased onlooker, you are all in the wrong.

Is it really all worth this? I tried to get on and remove the bans but, for some reason since I last was on, I cannot see a full list of bans on the TTT server.

I ask all of you to read this and comment if you have qualms with what I've said but, for fucks sake, can we stop with the personal attacks? It's a game, a game we all love and have invested in, but still a game with real people on the other end...we all have feelings and it's easy to throw stones behind a computer screen.


If I was a moderator on this forum I would lock this thread and end it.
[Image: mr45cm.png]

EsCaRgOt> That what Im tried to say is to stop all of it and forget it but then Eskyl had to bring it back but if you want me to stop Ill stop
Also aren't you Co-Owner on the forums cause you over-power everyone except Fry and you can lock the thread :/

I bring good luck or bad luck to the people all over but beware the powers I have can be UNFAIR

[Image: tumblr_na6jwcRG1o1tof9kfo4_500.png]

Connor can we drop the debacle? I believe the issue was just resolved no reason to start a flame war.

(05-09-2014, 03:57 PM)Thebunnykicker Wrote: Connor can we drop the debacle? I believe the issue was just resolved no reason to start a flame war.

I will, IF Eskyl can stop being a prick and start being nicer

I bring good luck or bad luck to the people all over but beware the powers I have can be UNFAIR

[Image: tumblr_na6jwcRG1o1tof9kfo4_500.png]

just stop connor, seriously.

Conner how can you ask someone to be nice if you yourself are not being nice. Dont expect others to treat you any differently than you are treating them.

Stop replying on this you will start more issues that are unnecessary.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

I have heard enough on this topic. Closing it

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