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Banned For Being Different.

Although I do appreciate your help in this matter, Escargot, I still believe the punishment was unjust. As a regular, do you think I would go through great lengths to RDM someone and leave? I am very familiar with the rules and I have always taken my slays/punishments for RDMs (accidents happen). In fact I'm pretty sure I wrote "slay me" in the report prior to getting banned. I gave it a round afterwards to see if anyone would punish me, because that's all the time I had available... I didn't think it would lead to this otherwise I would have just left the game on. So either someone really thinks I, a law abiding citizen, is truly breaking the rules on purpose or there is something much bigger going on. Something so sinister that they will find any exploit in my defenses to make me suffer. Perhaps the person who banned me might have a few words of wisdom?

On a side note: Here's a video from one of our beloved "moderators" displaying great examples of the buffoonery and immaturity required to successfully RDM and leave. Being a fully capable adult, I find this behavior repulsive and downright childish, but then again I was absent on the day of mod selection. Thanks Hoody!

Love Always,

This video was recorded for entertainment purposes only. The group I take has been sworn to never rdm on razors PLUS fryman has agreed with us doing this along as it's not On Razors edge. we change our names as well while doing this thanks

Stay awesome and NTH
stay awesome and NTH

Being banned was completely fair, you have RDMed numerous times. But that only leads to slays of course. But then you decide to argue and disrespect the admins, that's not gonna help you in your case. All of your RDMs and disrespect have added up to get you your ban. Remember, if things were the way they were, you would easily be perma banned
I used to be a little boy who excelled in the art of gaming... Then I took an arrow to the knee.

Rdming and harrassment have their own punishments with given amounts of offenses. Unless someone can specifically name the amount of times skeebo has done either of these i dont think brushing off this punishment as intended for other rule breaking is acceptable. If he is getting banned for rdm and leave and he didn't actually rdm and leave then there should be no ban for such offense.

The rules are very specific. If Skeebo did not break the "RDM and leave" rule, then there is no reason he should receive the ban, regardless of past offenses. You can't just ban someone because they have a "history of RDM and disrespect." If that were the case, I could name a long list of people in a similar situation as Skeebo. But why should he be the only one that suffers the punishment?

Read the very first message I said many others also . And he did break that rule eskyl I'm done explaining when none will listen .

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

All you've said is that his ban is a warning, but in fact it's a punishment. Do you have logs of him committing the RDM and then leaving? I see no reason for the ban if you can't even prove he committed it.

I explained the reason of banning you guys act like it is permanent. The days are almost done . And you still won't ever listen. I have witnesses . And I will try to find proof. And really I need proof I been on ttt for awhile with him and most players know how it is

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

He even knows . But surely won't admit . You see no reason cause you are his friend and you are trying to back him up .

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk

You've explained the reason of his ban, but you haven't given any proof. Every single time you ban someone, you should have proof to backup your reasoning, especially when you have a Ban Appeals section on your forum. If not, then you're going to have people like us come and argue it with you on the forums. Witnesses don't count for anything. You can get anyone who hates Skeebo to say that they saw him "RDM and leave." If you can show all of us proof, then the mods of TTT were in the right for banning him. I'm going to full-heartedly disagree with it, not just because I'm on good terms with Skeebo, but because I've seen plenty of Mod-to-Player disrespect on the TTT server. The moderators constantly spout "respect the mods," but I've seen so many instances where it is in fact reversed. I've heard the majority of you trash talk at least one regular each, some a lot more, over the past two weeks that I've played on the server. I've seen consistent abuse of powers and biased decisions. I've seen instant permanent bans for single time RDM. I've seen ban threats for following people. I've seen gag abuse simply because moderators are "tired of hearing such and such's voice." I've even seen moderators ban and trash talk each other, which I can't even fathom. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Keep in mind that I've only been around for two weeks and I've already seen all of this.

whether it is permanent or 1 hour, a ban has to be justified and the mod who issued it needs provide some shred of evidence. Unfortunately the only response we're given is from a mod that wasn't even there and has a negative opinion of the person being banned. The mod not only says the ban is justified but that it should be considered a warning because skeebo could/should be banned longer (and/or permanently). Yet this mod cannot provide any evidence or real proof along side her judgement other than "he disrespects and rdms a lot".

The ironic part is many mods rdm and disrespect each other and players all the time on the server. Even today i got rdmed by Muffinz and with 4 mods on he did not get slayed. Everyone pretended nothing happened.

this server is starting to feel like the nazi regime. Anyone who questions the judgement of a particular group of mods gets smited but those in power are free to do whatever they want as long as they don't piss off their fuhrer (fryman).

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