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Banned For Being Different.

Thank you James, for proving our point of moderator disrespect. We've done nothing but approached this situation in a calm and collective manner and the first thing you say includes quite a few derogatory terms. The time duration of the ban isn't the major issue here. The fact that he was banned in the first place is why we are arguing. I've seen Fry come on the server and call moderators out for permanent bans. Punishments on the server are very clear and he wants them upheld to the tee, at least that's what I've seen from my first hand perspective. We're already aware that Lady wasn't the moderator who banned Skeebo. The only reason the conversation has been directed towards her thus far is because she is the only moderator responding, besides the initial post from Escargot and the rebuttal from Hoody. The argument is valid as long as proof is not obtained. I'm doing nothing wrong by arguing about this topic, and I don't plan on stopping until an actual forum admin informs me to. If Fryman or Escargot wants me to stop, then I'll stop, but until then I see no reason to.

this whole thing is ridiculous i dont understand why this had to be big deal the whole lobby that plays with skeebo knows this shit already his punishment is done in fact almost done just drop it already i understand the conversation that lady still needs proof and all that but theres plenty of witnesses to go by but if thats not enough lady is still looking for the logs im just saying theres plenty of witnesses we dont need all this drama n here
stay awesome and NTH

This is a perfect example of how any issue on this server is handled by these and several other Moderators. When their ability (or lack thereof) to do their job correctly is brought into question by other players, it is immediately disregarded. If any further discussion is continued, then the player in question is told that they are "disrespecting" or "harassing" the Moderators. Doesn't sound like an overall fair system to say the least.

Proving a Mod wrong has gotten me gagged/muted and kicked. Following someone has gotten me ban threats. Do you not see how corrupt this system is? I know it's a lot easier to ignore and trash talk the guy apparently everyone hates, but I wouldn't be making this thread if there wasn't a reason. There is no proof of anything. I gave you my side of the story, proven that I don't deserve this punishment and all I get is hearsay from mysterious sources somehow making the ban justified. The only individuals against my cause are those who have obvious problems with me and have swayed opinions because of it. Again, thank you Escargot for staying neutral.

Is it possible for someone who isn't out to get me to look at the logs and see the time difference from when the supposed "RDM and LEAVE" occured? There isn't a rule with a time limit stating how long you have to await punishment before being able to leave. Anyone with a remnant of common sense would know that a slay is better than a week long ban.

As always, thanks for your time.


I hope you, your colorful vocabulary and lack of common sense benefit you elsewhere, Jimmy. Your post did nothing but slander your name and have negative effect on the person you were obviously trying to white knight.. err I mean defend. It definitely provokes thought into what selection process goes on when deciding suitable people to moderate this server.

James is right why argue about a week when its not permanent. Preety much that mod he/she gave a big exception to his behavior he should be greatly pleased by the fact it wasn't permanent . And that's completely stupid won't stop till they say something so what if they dont . Are you going to whine for a year. Even when he's unbanned , Ha. Thats hilarious . And hoody is correct there Is plenty of witnesses . I mean skeebo cut the crap and admit you made various amounts of mistakes . I admit I have to . Many have don't lie now cause you are being punished for it. And being a mod isn't the easiest job in the word goddamn it's complicated even when your alone most times in situations ,so confusing what to do we Arnt professionals . Were learning along the way new rules come I'n and out . And isn't it disrespectful if a regular or new players . Throws provocative words towards you . It's hard to not lose your temper . Most keep it in . Also I will put this in the first post you attatched on the reason of banning from the a fellow mod states you skeebo "(RDM AND LEAVE COUNTLESS WARNINGS NOT TO DISRESPECT PLAYERS AND MODS AND COUNTLESS FALSE KOS'S (1ST OFFENCE)" and skeebo you changed it to rdm and leave after we started talking so you left out more than what was written .Make your statement clear don't change the words around .

We have Had Alot of Complains on You Skeebo . Alot of Regulars messaged us Mods About it. and if alot of them have been complaining about you, it means you did something wrong. if you want to talk about this off Forums you can add me and i'll talk with you

You made mistakes too? Were you punished for those mistakes? Did Fryman give you a stern talking to for calling Plunger a "fag" and permanently banning him simply for saying he was going to report you? Did you lose privileges for your obvious abuse and lack of maturity as a moderator during that situation? Did you even apologize to Fryman and Plunger for bringing them into such an unnecessary incident? James is not right. He butted into the conversation and made himself look like a fool by threatening and spouting derogatory terms at me, only furthering my point of lack of maturity among some of the moderators. Not only that, but he deleted his post after he realized the mistake he made. We may seem like "assholes" and "trolls," but at least we can put together some semblance of maturity when it is required.

I find that some mods are saying their job is "so hard" when there's an easily accessible set of rules in the game by typing "!rules". I find my self on several occasions TELLING MODS what the punishments are for certain rules and what isn't and is against the rules. The fact that Elizabeth continues to say skeebo is lucky to not be permanently banned yet is illogical because the punishments for disrespect and kos are NOT PERMANENT BANS, only shows how ignorant some mods are to the new set of rules. And his "false koses" and "disrespect" as i said before were not brought up in punishment UNTIL a single mod thought it was ok to throw it in with his bogus punishment for RDM and leave.

It's too bad that i know after typing this I'm gonna get the response of "just let it go he deserves it and is lucky to not be banned longer" once again. Seems that anytime a player complains to a mod about the behavior of people on the server it's swept under the rug and brushed off as "happened rounds/maps ago" except here in skeebo's case.

Yes , yes he did . And yes I apologized and I didn't ban him for that reason stop listening to many stories and actually listen please . And abuse ? Not even you weren't there eskyl. So you don't know what happened. Don't act like you do. And he wasnt doing that towards you like I said and repeat once more listen . And you guys really don't not very many of you are mature. And I don't abuse my power if I did I would lose them have I , no I have not , it was one time. And you butted in bunny butted in .

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Well i was there when you banned Plunger. He had RDMed a few times but that was literally all he did other than call you and a few mods out on your hypocrisy. People were saying to not use homosexual slurs because it offended him and mods were using it so he was pointing out how you guys abused your power so that you can say whatever you want and control what other people say. After rounds and rounds of this back and forth he said he would report you for mod abuse. Then you banned him permanently putting "haha fag" in the ban. A situation that helped spark the entire new set of rules fry put up.

Did that guy stay banned? Even though he was "disrespecting" you, a moderator who thinks she can say whatever she pleases without any argument. A moderator who in the first few minutes of playing with me said "shut up you're annoying me i will ban you".

Then who, might I ask, was James calling a "cockhole." I'm glad to hear that you somewhat learned from that mistake, but I don't seem to understand how you don't realize that was abuse? I read the ban appeal and the chat that Plunger screenshotted. Not only did you permanent ban him for saying he was going to report you, but you added a homosexual slur into the reason for the ban. Why would Fryman talk to you about it and unban him if that wasn't the reason why? You most definitely were in the wrong if Plunger was unbanned.
I'm not very mature? Ever since this argument started, I have been nothing but mature. Not once have I lost my temper, insulted someone, or lost any semblance of my professionalism. We're butting in because we have the right to butt in. This was bound to happen eventually, we just happened to be the ones to do it.

I also have a first day reference just like TheBunnyKicker. The very first day I started playing on the TTT server, I followed you and a few other people around for a couple of rounds each. One of the first few things you ever said to me was that you'd ban me if I continued to follow you around. A few of the other moderators gave me the same exact treatment when I followed them as well.

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